Friday, December 24, 2010

Toodeloo- a goodbye letter!

Hi All,

“Robert Gallagher said that change is inevitable - except from a vending machine. It is inevitable that I have to move out. A little bird told me that I have to take your leave in a few days, because someone else is going to take my place. I don't know whether he will be better or worse than me, but he will just not be me. That is inevitable. So before I bid an adieu, I will take you back in time and leave you behind with tears of joy and giggles on your embarrassment!

I came into your lives, about a year back. It all started casually with hesitant and tentative steps, until we started sharing a bond with each other. The name is bond, true bond! ;) I have seen you grow taller and stronger. I have seen you grow from a student to professional, from a man to a gentleman and more. I have been along you in every moment. It has been a jolly time with you- a time where you gave your expertise, a time where you imparted your skills and also a time where you learned great lessons, and all I have done is, watch you do all this.
I remember, when you were chasing those big goals of yours, I prompted 'Go ahead fella!' and you smiled with determination. In return, you not only achieved them, but surpassed them. But mind it, I have enjoyed watching as much as you enjoyed doing. I have walked with you to all the new places you went and with all your friends- screaming, laughing, playing! I have sat besides you, while you were studying late night and greeting you back the next morning, when you woke up on the same book. I extended my ear when you were alone and wanted to talk to someone and calmly waited for you to feel better. I wiped your face, when the shining tears rolled down your cheeks and sometimes even cried with you.
I was with your friends, when they were preparing for your birthday party and you had no idea. I was with all of you, when you celebrated and basked in glory and then yelled at the top of your lungs from the terrace. You thought, nobody heard that. But, I heard it big guy! I was part of your birthday, rather your birthday was a part of me!

And it is inevitable (you remember the change, right?) that you will face new challenges and that things may seem a little different in the year ahead. Yes, life is definitely going to become a little 'shaken up and stirred' !!”
                                                                                                                                 Yours Sincerely,
                                                                                                                      "HAPPY NEW YEAR 2011"